Monday, October 10, 2011

Shanon & Michael Primicerio - Life. Now.

Author - Shanon & Michael Primicerio

Title - Life. Now. : Overcoming the ten obstacles that derail your dreams

Publisher- Bethany House

Pages- 166 (H/C)

Reading 'Life. Now.' for me was a journey. I was at a place I could only refer to as the 'edge' in my life. I was beginning to reconsider if really this and that was what I was meant to live my life doing in the face of many other 'blossoming' opportunities. If you've been there you know it's a hard place. Then somehow, I stumbled across Life. Now., a book by two twenty somethings (who are married) who have walked the same path at a local book store. And now I'm more confident about some things than when I started.
In a easy to read conversational style, husband and wife, Shanon & Michael Primicerio shed light on how we can take practical steps towards the future we see and dream so much about now. Tackling important areas such as how to fund our dreams, mentoring, handling relationships wisely, safe steps on getting out of your comfort zone and many more. This is a must read for anyone who is intentional about wanting to live the life they have always dreamed about.

What strikes home most about this book is the lace of honesty and sincerity with which it is written. They are not there yet, Mr and Mrs Primicerio tell us at the book opening but they would like to share principles which they have applied in their own lives which have worked well. And from the stories you would read in this book, you would be sure these are vast result producing principles.

Now, I am emboldened to face life head on. With God on my side, I know all things are possible. I don't have to doubt the things I am here (in this life) to do because I can't see anything. Even without 'seeing anything'. I can live my life now. Are you a twenty-something? Or maybe you are at that point of making a major decision? Are you trying to reason out if you can actually achieve why you are here? Or maybe if your dream is relevant to community? Then next time you stop at the bookstore, do get yourself a copy of The Primicerio's book. You would not be the same at the end of the journey. Yes you wouldn't. It's a good guide to living your Life. Now.

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